Oxford Palaeobiology : All Pages
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Current Research
History of Research
Skull evolution – the key to success for Darwin’s finches
Species that survive mass extinction events do not take over the space of fallen competitors
Earth Sciences DPhil Graduate Awarded Alfred Sherwood Romer Prize in Vertebrate Palaeontology
Burmese Treasure: An ammonite in amber
Earth Sciences postgraduate awarded Best Student Presentation at the NAPC 2019
Past climate change pushed birds from the northern hemisphere to the tropics
Oxygen linked with the boom and bust of early animal evolution
Ledumahadi mafube – New Jurassic Giant of South Africa
Two new Chinese dinosaurs discovered
Greater species diversity at the equator linked to variations in precipitation
New species of rare ancient ‘worm’ discovered in fossil hotspot
Fish bone structure reveals surprising parallel evolution of warming mechanism
Soft tissue fossil clues could help search for ancient life on Earth and other planets
Dr Sam Giles awarded Dorothy Hodgkin Fellowship
Professor Roger Benson
New mathematical analysis confirms ‘Dickinsonia’ was an animal
“Dinosaur fish” sheds new light on the fish family tree
First evidence of Scottish mammals producing milk
Sam Giles wins L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science fellowship
4th year undergraduate project reveals hint of origin of life on Earth
Slower evolution and climate change drove ichthyosaurs to extinction
Isle of Skye fossil makes three species one
DPhil fieldwork contributes to Nature paper
Bursting into life
Life's big bang?
Who shot the Dodo?
Bound by blood
Rehoming a dinosaur
Secrets of an ancient reptile
Tales from the Jurassic Coast
Dinosaur WLTM friendly new carers
Traces from space
The ancient 'Kite Runner'
Plesiosaur puzzle
Prehistoric parasites
Ancient arthropods
The finest fossils
Half-a-billion-year-old fossil offers new clues to how life exploded on sea floor
Fossil plankton may be the key to understanding prehistoric climate change
Getting to the root of plant evolution
Two-faced fish clue that our ancestors 'weren't shark-like'
Fossilised dinosaur brain tissue identified for the first time
Scientists discover oldest plant root stem cells
Professor Paul Smith wins royal award for work in the Arctic
Jurassic saw fastest mammal evolution
New study provides strongest evidence that oxygen levels were key to evolution of early animals
Tentacled ‘Cthulhu’ fossil reconstruction reveals monstrous relative of modern sea cucumbers
Thread-like associations connected ancient animals more than half-a-billion years ago
Dr Ross Anderson
Dr Roger Close
Dr Frankie Dunn
Professor Erin Saupe
Professor Roger Benson
Dr Duncan Murdock
Professor Paul Smith
Dr Tom Kemp
Professor Jim Kennedy
Professor Derek Siveter
Associate Professor Luke Parry
Dr Ricardo Pérez-de la Fuente
Mhairi Reid
Matthew Sutton
Sandy Hetherington appointed PalAss Exceptional Lecturer
Sandy Hetherington awarded UKRI Future Leader Fellowship
Ocean biodiversity has not increased substantially for hundreds of millions of years
Ross Anderson wins Yale Simpson Prize
Oldest relative of ragworms and earthworms discovered
Fossil hunting? Clay holds the key
Oxford to host virtual PalAss 2020
Eigg beach runner stumbles on dinosaur bone
High-tech insect origami
Gwen Antell wins best student presentation
Clay-organic bonds key to Burgess Shale fossilisation
Associate Professor Erin Saupe wins the Palaeontological Association's Hodson Award
Associate Professor Julie Cosmidis
Experiments show the record of early life could be full of “false positives”
Luke Parry wins Geological Society of London Lyell Fund
Researchers find climate change impacts plankton
Callum Bucklow
Erin Saupe wins Philip Leverhulme Prize
Harri Ravenscroft
Cooper Malanoski
Life on Mars search could be misled by false fossils
Iron integral to the development of life on Earth
Erin Saupe honoured in Blavatnik Awards
Alexandra Morton-Hayward
New study finds giant predatory dinosaurs could hunt underwater
DPhil student Alexandra Morton-Hayward awarded a Scholarship from the Anglo-Danish Society
560-million-year-old fossil is first animal predator
Earliest evidence of fruit-eating by birds
Dr Thomas Smith
Armoured worm reveals the ancestry of three major animal groups
Spencer Pevsner
Stephanie Lechki
Jack McMinn
Associate Professor/Professor of Palaeobiology Opportunity
Fossil bird’s skull reconstruction reveals a brain made for smelling and eyes made for daylight
New Scottish fossil sheds light on the origin of lizards
Collections Manager (Earth Collections) Opportunity
500 million year-old fossils reveal answer to evolutionary riddle
Julie Cosmidis awarded ERC Starting Grant
Ross Anderson awarded Royal Society University Research Fellowship
Fossil CSI: Analysis of giant marine reptile graveyard suggests ancient birthing grounds
Portrait of a Palaeontologist
Fossil study brings us one step closer to revealing how ‘flying dinosaurs’ took flight
Large-scale fossil study reveals origins of modern biodiversity gradient
Dr Emma Nicholls
Dr Bouwe Reijenga
Post-Doctoral Research Assistant in Experimental Geobiology Opportunity
New Oxford study sheds light on the origin of animals
Erin Saupe promoted to Professor of Palaeobiology
George Wedlake
Adam Lindholm
Dr Benjamin Shipley
Katherine Faulkner
Hanhui Huang
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
Thomas Pavey
Katherine Faulkner wins AWG Undergraduate Excellence in Paleontology Award
Recreation of ancient seawater reveals which nutrients shaped the evolution of early life
Free spatial methods workshop for analysing the fossil record at Oxford
Workshop: Spatial Methods for Analysing the Fossil Record
The Oxford dinosaur that started it all
Odysseus Archontikis
Oxford Palaeobiology: Use of cookies on this website
New study reveals insight into which animals are most vulnerable to extinction due to climate change
Oxford researchers uncover remarkable archive of ancient human brains
Undergraduate Study
Postgraduate Study
Other Opportunities
James McDermott
Dr Piyush Sriwastava
Royal Society Faraday Discovery Fellowships - Expressions of interest open
Professor Erin Saupe presented with Paleontological Society's Schuchert Award
Half a billion-year-old spiny slug reveals the origins of molluscs
PalaeoClub MT24 Week 4: Atal Pande (Museum für Naturkunde Berlin)
PalaeoClub MT24 Week 5: James Crampton (Victoria University of Wellington)
PalaeoClub MT24 Week 6: Imran Rahman (Natural History Museum - London)
PalaeoClub MT24 Week 7: Greatest Fossil of All Time
PalaeoClub MT24 Week 8: Sara Varela González (Universidade de Vigo)
PalaeoClub HT25 The Past and Future of Life on Our Dynamic Planet Week 1: Alex Dunhill (University of Leeds)
PalaeoClub HT25 The Past and Future of Life on Our Dynamic Planet Week 2: Anjali Goswami FRS (Natural History Museum - London)
PalaeoClub HT25 The Past and Future of Life on Our Dynamic Planet Week 4: Jennifer McElwain MRIA (Trinity College Dublin)
PalaeoClub HT25 The Past and Future of Life on Our Dynamic Planet Week 5: Gene Hunt (Smithsonian Institution)
PalaeoClub HT25 The Past and Future of Life on Our Dynamic Planet Week 6: Marc Laflamme (University of Toronto)
PalaeoClub HT25 The Past and Future of Life on Our Dynamic Planet Week 7: Ilya Bobrovskiy (GFZ Potsdam)
PalaeoClub HT25 The Past and Future of Life on Our Dynamic Planet Week 8: Emily Rayfield (University of Bristol)
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: Disentangling extinction risk in deep time
Charlie Bates
Minxuan Zhu
Zoe Guy
Holly Weale
Agnes Prager
Max Wylder
Aria Ezaz-Nikpay
Sawyer Suzuki
Special PalaeoClub: GSA Practice Talks
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: Do clay-rich environments bias the early fossil record?
2025 DTP/Dhil Project: Unravelling the deep homology of gill slits and the origin of bilaterian body plans
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: The stars are out: a palaeontological perspective on the early evolution of the Asterozoa
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: Milankovitch, tides and marine mixing: drivers of plankton speciation and productivity
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: Palaeoecology and palaeophysiology of early flowering plants from the mid Cretaceous of West Greenland
Oxford's Fossil Collections
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: The impact of ocean warming on nutrient and carbon acquisition of marine plankton
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: Integrating living species and the fossil record to unravel cnidarian evolution
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: The meiofauna frontier: pushing the limits of computed tomography in invertebrate morphology
Golden bugs: Spectacular new fossil arthropods preserved in fool's gold
2025 DTP/DPhil Project: Protein specific mineralisation and exceptional fossils
Major new footprint discoveries on Britain's 'dinosaur highway'
Dr Corentin Jouault
Dr Julia Schwab
Discovery of Punk and Emo fossils challenges our understanding of ancient molluscs
Behind the scenes at Oxfordshire's dinosaur highway
Oxford research makes front cover of Nature
Dr Shijia Peng